Moisture Remediation and Concrete

Concrete is an incredibly durable and long-lasting option for flooring, whether it’s used as subflooring or the top layer. One of the crucial components of any flooring installation is making sure your concrete slab is primed for having substances installed on top of...

Flooring is Art

Architecture is art; if you’ve ever been on a tour where the guide explains to you all the influences that went into the city’s art deco or post-modern or brutalist design, you understand that architecture finds itself at the nexus point between form and function, a...

Specialized Concrete Repair

Heavy manufacturing relies on sound substrates, typically concrete, to remain intact so equipment can move freely.  This prevents work in progress getting damaged ; as well, as material handling equipment staying in tip top operating parameters. The first major...

How Your Flooring Can Improve Safety

No matter what business you’re in, safety is a priority for you. All businesses have employees, who must be protected from undue hazard, so as to maintain a happy, healthy and productive workplace. Most businesses also see client visitation; infrequently, such as when...

Flooring in Medical Facilities

Medical facilities face a variety of challenges unknown to most industries. Patient care means your practice must be welcoming and comforting in order to assuage fears and anxiety; it also means your facility must be sterile, and that materials used aren’t harmful to...